mercoledì 18 giugno 2014

Veronica Mazzucchi was born in Varese on 24th October 1975. Her linguistic ability led her to travel widely for work. Between 2001 and 2004 she developed a deep connection with the Cape Verde Islands: as a self taught artist she started committing her great love of Africa to canvas (“Earth like Blood”). This period shows the influence of African art, of Picasso, of Modigliani and of Schmidt-Rotthuff’s wood engravings. 

Then from 2007, a silent period. Veronica started painting again after a period of treatment (including sessions of art therapy) for a physical illness with consequent job loss, rediscovering herself and rediscovering her wandering past with brushes and pastels. This second period expresses the psychological and physical suffering caused by Fibromyalgia, a condition known commonly as “The Pain of Suffering”.  

This is the start of what the artist calls her second period where “The Tale of Amor and Psycheis born. Her women bring to mind the Lying Figure in a Mirror of Bacon, undefined bodies, in continuous transformation. Identity swings between acceptance and refusal of oneself, a clean cut between physical essence and consciousness. Marcel Proust in “Remembrance of Things Past” said that recovery from suffering depends on having experienced it to the full. This is what Veronica Mazzucchi has done. 

Now, considering the results, she speaks out for a project aimed at promoting cultural therapy for sufferers of chronic diseases.